Kelime | Tür | Anlam | Eş Anlam | Zıt Anlam | Sık Kullanılan |
keep up with | Phrasal Verbs | seviyesine yetişmek, ... ile aynı olmak | to stay equal with | ||
keep up with | |||||
Örnek Cümleler (Veri tabanına kayıtlı toplam 65 örnek cümle bulundu.) | |||||
1 - If you want to compete in today's business world, then, it's important to keep up with technology in order to get the most out of the technology you have, to keep abreast of emerging new technology, and to find the information that will help you make the right buying decisions.
2 - Many banks are finding it difficult to keep up with cybercriminals as they constantly come up with new ways of using computers to commit banking-related crimes.
3 - Technology firms ramp up R&D spending to keep up with advancements and stay ahead of competitors.
*Cümlelerin Türkçe çevirileri bir yapay zeka uygulaması aracılığıyla elde edilmiştir! Diğer cümleleri görüntülemek için üye girişi yapınız. |