Kelime | Tür | Anlam | Eş Anlam | Zıt Anlam | Sık Kullanılan |
educate | Verb | eğitmek | |||
educated | Adjective | eğitimli | |||
education | Noun | eğitim | |||
educational | Adjective | eğitici, eğitsel, eğitimle ilgili | |||
uneducated | Adjective | eğitimsiz | |||
educate, educated, education, educational, uneducated | |||||
Örnek Cümleler (Veri tabanına kayıtlı toplam 2817 örnek cümle bulundu.) | |||||
1 - In Arabic-speaking countries, for example, educated people sometimes use classical Arabic in speech as well as in writing, whereas uneducated people speak only colloquial Arabic.
2 - There is a big gap between how the children of higher income parents, who are well educated, and the children of less educated, lower income parents, do in school.
3 - With the world expansion of education, mothers have an increasingly important role in shaping the educational status of their children, particularly for daughters and in contexts with a high prevalence of mothers who are paired with a less-educated father.
*Cümlelerin Türkçe çevirileri bir yapay zeka uygulaması aracılığıyla elde edilmiştir! Diğer cümleleri görüntülemek için üye girişi yapınız. |