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at odds | Adjective | ||||
at odds | |||||
Örnek Cümleler (Veri tabanına kayıtlı toplam 15 örnek cümle bulundu.) | |||||
1 - The latest research finding that older adults are generally happier than younger ones seems superficially at odds with many studies that have found older people are at higher risk for depression and other mental health problems.
2 - Canada’s international reputation as a relatively peaceful country is at odds with the noisy protests by people opposed to measures aimed at preventing COVID-19.
3 - From the 1870s on, search for markets, goods, and influence fuelled the imperial expansion of the European industrialized countries and, consequently, often put them at odds with each other.
*Cümlelerin Türkçe çevirileri bir yapay zeka uygulaması aracılığıyla elde edilmiştir! Diğer cümleleri görüntülemek için üye girişi yapınız. |